Layla’s Journey

“Listen to Darlinghurst: Layla’s Journey”, student project, 2023
Project Manager: Myself
Production: Myself, Donna Eve Tanner, Levi Edwards, Brandon Tannoury, Alek Kosta Markovski
Audio provided by Impact Studios

Client: Impact Studios

This project was an incredible opportunity to collaborate with Impact Studios and contribute to an exploration of the local culture and history in Sydney.

Layla’s Journey, one of three short films produced for Impact Studios

As the concept artist and co-director, I made art that helped us win the pitch to produce three short films of 30 and 15 seconds. My main contributions were:

  • Backgrounds: developed and rendered ten or so highly stylized scenes, designed for texture projection in Maya
  • Assets: non-animated human characters, non-moving street elements, trees, vehicles (cars, train)
  • Render: Arnold, tractor farm
  • Edit: maintained an active animatic
  • Compositing: After Effects

For this shot I modelled and projected the textures for the “Darling it Hurts”street block and non-moving assets. I also edited the camera animation to better fit the shot.

Season 5: Listen to Darlinghurst Podcast