
Hi, I’m Han Nguyen, a Sydney-based comics illustrator, and I write and draw about mundane and fantastic things.
I studied Japanese Pop Culture at UNSW and Visual Arts at Production Art Department, and am a long time member/volunteer for the Sydney Comics Guild, where I was editor of the annual Comics Anthology for two years.

When I was nine, I experienced anime, then later manga, for the first time, and I never stopped watching and reading the stuff. It was only when I joined a local comics group that I realised I could be making comics too. So!

I’ve since made mini-comics, regular sized comics (for anthologies), a long-form webcomic called Finding Feathers, and lots of illustrations and designs using traditional and digital techniques. I want to make emotionally impactful stories that stay with the viewer, like so many stories have done for me.

I am currently looking for storyboarding work where I can use my skills in sequential art.

aeitchen @ gmail.com


Facebook: facebook.com/aeitchen
Twitter: twitter.com/aeitchen
Tumblr: aeitchen.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/aeitchen

Etsy Store: etsy.com/au/shop/aeitchen
society6: society6.com/aeitchen

Streaming: twitch.tv/aeitchen
Finding Feathers webcomic: comic.hannguyenart.com